Jabalpur - definitie. Wat is Jabalpur
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Wat (wie) is Jabalpur - definitie

Jabalpur é uma cidade do estado de Madhya Pradesh, na Índia. Localiza-se nas margens do rio Narmada.
Patan (Jabalpur)         
Patan é uma cidade e uma nagar panchayat no distrito de Jabalpur, no estado indiano de Madhya Pradesh.
Shahpura (Jabalpur)         
Shahpura é uma cidade e uma nagar panchayat no distrito de Jabalpur, no estado indiano de Madhya Pradesh.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jabalpur
1. John Lutheran Church at Jabalpur as the church was conducting a three–day Bible workshop.
2. He spent his early years in Jabalpur, where he was born, probably in 1'17 or 1'18.
3. The Jabalpur Superintendent of Police Shrinivas Rao said, «The police have registered no case against anybody so far.
4. The resolution to rename Jabalpur as Jabalipuram was passed at a meeting of the corporation on Saturday.
5. Jabalpur–based historian Arvind Pal said: "We are not sure where and when the sage Jabali lived.